
Teri Tom - It’s like being a kid and getting to play Singular Athletes: Teri Tom, Martial Arts Master — The Fun Is in the Fight Teri-Tom-Letter.jpg




譚泰瑞10年前發現了振藩截拳道,這項武術從此在 她生命重占了舉足輕重的角色。當時,她是個搖滾 樂團的主吉他手,過著健康的生活並了解到營養的 重要。有個鼓手告訴她關於他對於武術的熱愛並建 議她去買一系列李小龍的作品。這也讓她與她的恩 師,從李小龍那裏習得技藝的黃錦銘老師結緣。


Teri Tom, 37, says it’s “Jun Fan Jeet Kun Do “— that’s Chinese

 for “Bruce Lee’s way of the intercepting fist” — an art, a style,

 a fighting system where East meets West in a hybrid form of martial arts.

But unlike the traditional form, it has to be practiced in a very

controlled environment or, Teri says, “We’d kill each other.”

Jun Fan Jeet Kun Do has been a big part of Teri’s life since

she discovered it 10 years ago. At the time, she was playing

lead guitar in rockabilly bands and enjoying the good health

she regained after learning the importance of good nutrition.

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A drummer told her about his love of martial arts and recommended

 she buy a series of Bruce Lee books. That led to connecting with her

 mentor/teacher, Ted Wong, who learned the art  from Lee himself.


Teri, who lives in Westwood, says there are no belt levels in what


she does because Lee didn’t believe in them. “We just get in the


 ring and mix it up,” she says. “It’s more like boxing. What is i


mportant is your lineage — who your instructor is and what their


relationship was to Lee.”


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She says the reward for all her hard work is an incredible


level of body awareness, a feeling of being fine-tuned,


and the thrilling mental stimulation of sparring when


“your world blows open into a game of human chess.”

Teri works out almost every day — either swimming,


tennis, running or training. “I don’t feel well if I haven’t


 moved that day,” she says. “It’s my treat. It’s like


being a kid and getting to play.”




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    黃錦銘截拳道的歷史、哲學與科學 痞客邦部落格(Ted Wong Jeet Kune Do's History,Philosophy,And Science Pixnet Blog)

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